2023.3.7 J-1 Grand Prix
Last Tuesday, we invited Japanese people and hosted a debate competition “J-1 Grand Prix” for the advanced class students. In our advanced class, we hold debates in class, and this time was an opportunity to present the results. Many students say that they seldom have the opportunity to speak with Japanese other than the staff of the school. We think it was an excellent opportunity to see how well they can use it and to see the actual results of the classroom studies.
The student who was selected by the Japanese people and became the Grand Prix
First Half: A05 class Solinas Francesco
Second Half: A03 class Ansubin
Other students were also trying their best to express their opinions in Japanese.
The Japanese volunteers who took part said, “I was surprised that all the students were enthusiastic,” and “They were very fluent and comfortable speaking Japanese.”
Thank you very much for participating in this event.